Monday, February 11, 2013

Cleaning - Day 2

My buddy Dave came over for Day 2 of the initial cleaning process. Dave took care of removing everything from the walls, prepping for the new panelling.
The bathroom, minus the medicine cabinet, soap and toothbrush trays.
While Dave was doing that, I was tackling the cabover. Boy do I hate mouse crap. I never felt as dirty as I did cleaning that up. Everytime I touch something up there, mouse turds came raining down. I removed all of the insulation and vacuumed up the crap.
Its going to take a strong bleach solution before I put that back together again. I figure only $20 to $30 for that repair. We also corrected a small leak from a broken running light on top on the passenger side.
Next week, the RV Show in Chicago.

1 comment:

  1. Don't like mouse crap, but it was a good feeling to get it cleaned up and all the old stuff off the walls, trash disposed, and prepped for the upgrade. Glad Todd's including me in the reno, even though I'm mostly a cleanup guy and second hand.
